Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I Believe...

As I begin a new year (and a new blog) I find myself looking for ways to better live for God. I've read lots of helpful Christian books and many Bible passages in my preparation, but probably the most helpful resource I stumbled upon was a magazine article talking about the creeds of the earlier believers. You know the ones. They start with "I believe..." and go on to make foundational statements about God, Jesus, the Bible, the Church, etc. I've read many of them and agree with most of them (at least the more foundational Bible-based ones) and if anyone asked me I'd tell them with confidence and conviction that of course I believe them. But do I really?

That is the question I am going to be asking myself this year and hopefully beyond, not simply (and safely) from a mental affirmation of theory and theology standpoint, but from a living it each day standpoint. Do I really believe that God answers prayer? Do I really believe that God hates sin? Do I really believe that God simply and completely loves stupid (at times), unfaithful (too often) me? And if I REALLY believed the answer is not just "yes," but "definitely, no-doubt-about-it" to these and many more statements of Christian faith/belief how would my life be different? No, it's more "how WILL my life be different" because I'm going to challenge my beliefs in a practical, foundational, follower of Jesus type of way, one day, one belief at a time.

Let's get started. ("Let's" as in "let us" because it's my hope and prayer you'll join me in this exciting and somewhat uncertain journey somewhere along the way!)

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